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- <?php
- /**
- * @version V4.50 6 July 2004 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
- * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
- * Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
- * the BSD license will take precedence.
- *
- * Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
- *
- * Latest version is available at http://php.weblogs.com
- *
- * Test GetUpdateSQL and GetInsertSQL.
- */
- error_reporting(E_ALL);
- function testsql()
- {
- include('../adodb.inc.php');
- include('../tohtml.inc.php');
- //==========================
- // This code tests an insert
- $sql = "
- // Select an empty record from the database
- #$conn = &ADONewConnection("mssql"); // create a connection
- #$conn->PConnect("", "sa", "natsoft", "northwind"); // connect to MySQL, testdb
- $conn = &ADONewConnection("mysql"); // create a connection
- $conn->PConnect("localhost", "root", "", "test"); // connect to MySQL, testdb
- //$conn =& ADONewConnection('oci8');
- //$conn->Connect('','scott','natsoft');
- $conn->debug=1;
- $conn->Execute("delete from adoxyz where lastname like 'Smi%'");
- $rs = $conn->Execute($sql); // Execute the query and get the empty recordset
- $record = array(); // Initialize an array to hold the record data to insert
- if (strpos($conn->databaseType,'mssql')!==false) $record['id'] = 751;
- $record["firstname"] = 'Jann';
- $record["lastname"] = "Smitts";
- $record["created"] = time();
- $insertSQL = $conn->GetInsertSQL($rs, $record);
- $conn->Execute($insertSQL); // Insert the record into the database
- if (strpos($conn->databaseType,'mssql')!==false) $record['id'] = 752;
- // Set the values for the fields in the record
- $record["firstname"] = 'null';
- $record["lastname"] = "Smith\$@//";
- $record["created"] = time();
- if (isset($_GET['f'])) $ADODB_FORCE_TYPE = $_GET['f'];
- //$record["id"] = -1;
- // Pass the empty recordset and the array containing the data to insert
- // into the GetInsertSQL function. The function will process the data and return
- // a fully formatted insert sql statement.
- $insertSQL = $conn->GetInsertSQL($rs, $record);
- $conn->Execute($insertSQL); // Insert the record into the database
- $insertSQL2 = $conn->GetInsertSQL($table='ADOXYZ', $record);
- if ($insertSQL != $insertSQL2) echo "<p><b>Walt's new stuff failed</b>: $insertSQL2</p>";
- //==========================
- // This code tests an update
- $sql = "
- FROM ADOXYZ WHERE lastname=".$conn->Param('var'). " ORDER BY 1";
- // Select a record to update
- $varr = array('var'=>$record['lastname'].'');
- $rs = $conn->Execute($sql,$varr); // Execute the query and get the existing record to update
- if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) print "<p><b>No record found!</b></p>";
- $record = array(); // Initialize an array to hold the record data to update
- // Set the values for the fields in the record
- $record["firstName"] = "Caroline".rand();
- //$record["lasTname"] = ""; // Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
- $record["creAted"] = '2002-12-'.(rand()%30+1);
- $record['num'] = '';
- // Pass the single record recordset and the array containing the data to update
- // into the GetUpdateSQL function. The function will process the data and return
- // a fully formatted update sql statement.
- // If the data has not changed, no recordset is returned
- $updateSQL = $conn->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $record);
- $conn->Execute($updateSQL,$varr); // Update the record in the database
- if ($conn->Affected_Rows() != 1)print "<p><b>Error1 </b>: Rows Affected=".$conn->Affected_Rows().", should be 1</p>";
- $record["firstName"] = "Caroline".rand();
- $record["lasTname"] = "Smithy Jones"; // Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
- $record["creAted"] = '2002-12-'.(rand()%30+1);
- $record['num'] = 331;
- $updateSQL = $conn->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $record);
- $conn->Execute($updateSQL,$varr); // Update the record in the database
- if ($conn->Affected_Rows() != 1)print "<p><b>Error 2</b>: Rows Affected=".$conn->Affected_Rows().", should be 1</p>";
- $rs = $conn->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where lastname like 'Sm%'");
- //adodb_pr($rs);
- rs2html($rs);
- $record["firstName"] = "Carol-new-".rand();
- $record["lasTname"] = "Smithy"; // Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
- $record["creAted"] = '2002-12-'.(rand()%30+1);
- $record['num'] = 331;
- $conn->AutoExecute('ADOXYZ',$record,'UPDATE', "lastname like 'Sm%'");
- $rs = $conn->Execute("select * from ADOXYZ where lastname like 'Sm%'");
- //adodb_pr($rs);
- rs2html($rs);
- }
- testsql();
- ?>